
2021-11-22 │ 缤纷英语

(2018·浙江金、丽、衢十二校高三联考)Life is not always easy. One day you wake up feeling like you can take over the world, and the next day you wake up feeling like all you want to do is to lie in bed and hide from everything.
People walk into your life, grab your hand, and lead you through the most beautiful path you’ve known, but sometimes the same people let go of your hand without warning, and you become stranded at a place where you never thought you’d feel lost.
Let’s be honest, sometimes everything is going so great and it seems like nothing could go wrong, but right when you begin to think that, something so horrible comes crashing down and all of a sudden more problems come drowning around you and you just feel so hopeless because it’s so bad...
It’s so hard to understand why such things happen in life, and I personally wish I had an answer to that “why” you always ask yourself, but all I can say is no matter how hard life gets, you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.
I’ll be honest and say that sometimes I feel a little bit worried and all I can think is “Will I be able to keep up? What if everything goes too fast?” But I realize that being scared and living with that burden of running away from problems only slow me down even more.
And I’ve come to the point where I believe that because life never stops, I shouldn’t stop either. It’s okay to take a break and to give yourself time to heal, but you cannot give up and you cannot quit.
Keep positive, fill your heart with gratitude for what you already have, and always remind yourself to be humble and true to who you are!
【解题导语】 本文讲述了生活的不易,告诫人们要保持积极的心态,心中充满感激,要谦虚。
1.How does the author illustrate “Life is not always easy”?
A.By making comparisons.
B.By using some famous sayings.
C.By presenting his own experience.
D.By listing statistics.
A 解析:写作手法题。根据文章前两段,作者对比了生活中同一情况截然相反的两种境遇,可知作者运用了对比的写作手法阐明了生活的不易。故选A。
2.According to the author, it is ________ to try running away from problems.
A.pointless          B.reasonable
C.helpful D.considerate
A 解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段最后一句我意识到,害怕和逃避生活的负担,只会让我更慢, 可知作者认为逃避困难是没有意义的。故选A。
3.Which saying can exhibit the author’s attitude towards life?
A.Save against a rainy day.
B.Constant dripping wears away the stone.
C.A good medicine tastes bitter.
D.Think it over before you leap.
B 解析:观点态度题。根据文章第四段的“...but all I can say is no matter how hard life gets, you have to keep going. The life around you will never stop going on.”不管生活多难,你都要坚持下去,因此B水滴石穿符合作者的意图。A.未雨绸缪,C.良药苦口,D.三思后行都不符合作者的意图。故选B。

