
2020-10-03 │ 历年真题
  • Many American students __1__higher education to prepare for professional employment.In your academic training you will need to begin planning for the __2__from college to career.A career is really a process-it is how you progress through a __3__of jobs and occupations during your working years.A college education can help you get started on your career journey. In America society,the type of occupational fields you choose and jobs you hold__4__your entire lifestyle:yourself concept,income,prestige,choice of friends,and where you will live.This freedom to choosefrom thousands of employment choices can be __5__or troubling-if you don"t know where and how to begin. Career planning is a comprehensive process that takes much time and __6_.Career planning can greatly increase your __7__ of obtaining employment in the occupation you choose.However,career planning includes much more than a job search.It begins with carefully considering what you want and need in life. Career planning can be divided into four __8__steps that include self-assessment,occupational exploration and selection,career preparation,and job seeking.Although each student"s goal will be__9_,one suggested timetable to help you keep on course is to complete one step in each university year.Your __10_may be longer or shorter depending on your career goal. A)transmission I)superficial B)consecutive J)effort C)enjoyable K)prospects D)series L)influence E)perspective F)varies M)cultivate G)schedule N)pursue H)different O)transition


