China is the top country of origin for…任务阅读及答案

2018-02-06 │ 励志文章




China is the top country of origin for international students in the USA, with more than 274,000 Chinese students reportedly accounting for 31 percent of all international students at USA universities. Many Chinese parents save up a lot of money for their children to purse an overseas education. Is it worth spending big to study abroad? You’re welcome to leave your views.

Futsanglung (UK) Sadly too many Chinese parents think a foreign education is best for their kids and expense is no problem. I often feel this is a mistake as the education a Chinese child gets in a foreign country is very different to what they are used to and they often struggle. Hopefully this will change. Chinese universities will improve and more bright kids will study in their home land in the future.

Arsa (Russia) I went to study abroad when I was 17. I went to UK from Russia. First year was a total waste. I was away from parental control for the first time and as it happens I met plenty of Russian students in my college and we spent most of our time shopping, hanging out at cafes and clubbing. We studied sometimes but it wasn’t until two years later that I realized that my English hadn’t improved. I had trouble understanding my lecturers and my assignments kept coming back with poor scores. I changed my mindset entirely and started studying hard. I ended up staying in UK for 10 years. It opened a lot of doors and introduced me to great people, so I’m all for studying abroad. But Chinese students do tend to stick together which does nothing for their English, or network building ─ biggest reason why you’d want to go abroad in the first place, besides getting a fancy certificate.

Chuck14 (Canada) Here in Canada I work with Chinese students who come here to go to high school. My wife and I find homestays for these students and watch over them and their homestay families for the entire time they are here. The student is not prepared properly to go into a stranger’s home and struggle with language and cultural barriers. We work to make it as easy for the student and their family as much as we can. One thing we emphasize to each student is the enormous opportunity they have to be immersed into a native English speaker’s home. Many times the student will feel lost for a while and stay shut in their room usually qq’ing or skyping back home to their friends. We see this as normal behavior for a while at least. Some students have planned out their futures with education and experience from abroad to take back to China. Others do not, I’m afraid, and obviously the experience will do them no good for their future. Although it is natural for all Chinese students to hang out together, so many of them miss out on the English opportunity in their homestay. We also encourage our homestay families that they seize an opportunity to experience China through their student. The experience alone is valuable for any teenager growing up and so I think it should continue.

Truth (US) There is a perception (or misconception) that American education is the best in the world. Chinese parents, who highly value education, therefore push their kids to American colleges. Increasingly, they are also sending their children overseas earlier, at junior or high school level. American education teaches critical thinking and creativity. Chinese education is based too much on memorization. This style of thinking, however popular, is not correct. The non-quantifiable forms of learning come from a student’s innate interest and appetite for the subject. Many great entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs never finished college. So much for the vaunted higher education.

Title: Is an overseas education worth it

(71) _________China is the top (72) _________ country for international students in the USA, with over 274,000 Chinese students reportedly accounting for 31 percent of all international students at USA universities. Many Chinese parents save up a lot of money for their children to purse an overseas education.

The view of Futsanglung

(UK)uMany Chinese parents think a foreign education is best for their kids and expense is no problem.

uThere is a (73) _________ that Chinese universities will improve and more bright kids will study in their home land in the future.

The (74) _________ of Arsa (Russia)uHe went to study abroad at the (75) _________ of 17.

uFirst year was a total waste.

uIt wasn’t until two years later that I realized that my English hadn’t improved.

uI ended up staying in UK for 10 years, (76) _________ opened a lot of doors and introduced me to great people.

The view of Chuck14 (Canada)uThe student is prepared (77) _________ to go into a stranger’s home and struggle with language and cultural barriers.

uThe experience will do them no good for their future.

uWe also encourage our homestay families that they take (78) _________ of an opportunity to experience China through their student.

The view of Truth (US)uMost of Chinese parents have a misunderstanding of American education, which is highly (79) _________.

uAmerican education teaches critical thinking and creativity. Chinese education is based too much on memorization, (80) _________.


71. Phenomenon72. original73. hope/chance/possibility74. experiences

75. age76. which77. improperly78. advantage

79. valued80. though

China is the top country of origin for…任务阅读及答案
