It always seemed like having traditions was a good thing.完形填

2021-05-04 │ 缤纷英语

It always seemed like having traditions was a good thing. They create 41 that will last a lifetime. So when our children, David and Darla, were preschoolers we 42 a family Christmas tradition. It was our tree-decorating party and it would be complete with eggnog(蛋奶酒)and pfeffernüsse cookies.
The kids were excited as we pulled the freshly 43 tree into the house. It smelled so good. We would turn on the Christmas songs 44 the tree decoration began.
Our hearts seemed to 45 to the merriment of the Christmas songs. The kids’ eyes twinkled(闪光) with 46 . It was a heartwarming evening. When finished, we would sit drinking the eggnog and snacking on pfeffernüsse cookies.
Years later, when my daughter Darla was home from college, she 47 to help decorate the tree. I was so 48 . Before we knew it, the tree decoration was finished. It was a beautiful tree and its 49 smell filled the room. As we had every year before, I brought out the eggnog and the pfeffernüsse cookies for our traditional 50 .
Then, during the laughter, Darla suddenly got very 51 and said she had something to tell me. From her hesitation and body 52 , I learned that she was 53 it. She sat down next to me. Then very 54 and caringly, Darla looked me in the eye and said,"Mom, I’ve 55 liked pfeffernüsse cookies."
Then I 56 the importance of what she had just said. Why didn’t she ever tell me? All those childhood years, rather than 57 Mom’s feelings and spoil Mom’s tradition, she had stood the cookies 58 . From a child’s heart, year after year she had given me the gift of 59 !
My daughter taught me life’s very important 60 : The best gifts aren’t always found under the Christmas tree.
41.A.wonders B.imaginations C.memories D.interests
42.A.took over B.put out C.turned down D.set up
43.A.cut B.bought C.grown D.decorated
44.A.unless B.before C.while D.though
45.A.whisper B.swing
46.A.amazement B.curiosity C.delight D.anxiety
47.A.offered B.refused C.pretended D.hesitated
48.A.disappointed B.regretful C.puzzled D.grateful
49.A.lasting B.unique C.pleasant D.unusual
50.A.activity B.custom C.souvenir D.celebration
51.A.annoyed B.depressed C.serious D.quiet
52.A.language B.shape C.image D.expression
53.A.expecting B.fearing C.resisting D.recalling
54.A.casually B.shyly C.humorously D.gently
55.A.ever B.yet C.never D.just
56.A.explained B.realized C.admitted D.remembered
57.A.comfort B.hurt C.understand D.convey
58.A.silently B.roughly C.gradually D.unfairly
59.A.patience B.desire D.determination
60.A.knowledge B.inspiration C.technique D.lesson

.CDABD 46-50.CADCD 51-55.CABDC 56-60.BBACD

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It always seemed like having traditions was a good thing.完形填
